New Year, Newly Recreated - Family Life Radio

New Year, Newly Recreated

Invite God to Re-Create You

Every year it’s the same thing. “I’m gonna lose weight .. or get out of debt .. or have better relationships.” And every year you reach a point when the resolve fades, and perhaps you even lose hope that you’ll ever succeed. Author Nika Maples was on that same yo-yo, until God stepped in.

One day I just felt God saying to me You can’t say crucifixion didn’t fix you.”

Nika tells Peter and Shannyn she’s found there’s a connection between God’s original creation and how He re-creates us.


2 Corinthians 5 :17 says “…if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!” Nika says “Just like God said in Genesis 1 ‘Let there be light’, I said ‘God speak into my darkened heart.'”

Change in our heart and spirit is not only possible, it can be permanent – but in order to succeed we’ve got to be intentional about it. Dr. Randy Carlson, host of Intentional Living, lists 10 InTENtionals for Growing Thru Change, including to:

Expect stress from it; Measure it; Look beyond it.

More tips from our Intentional Living Center on the home page at