Once Lost, Now Found
When we misplace something and think it is lost, it leads to celebration when it is found. Family Life Radio Member Alesia is thrilled she could be a part of a friend’s lost and found story.
The celebration of finding the lost item is so much bigger when it is a spiritual loss.
Here’s the highlights of The Parable of the Lost Son found in Luke 15.
There was a man who had two sons. The younger one asked for his share of his dad’s estate. The younger son moved away and squandered his wealth. When he came to his senses, he thought about going back home.He figured he’d ask to be one of his father’s servants so he would have food. When his father saw him. He was filled with compassion for his son. The son apologized. The father told his servants to prepare a celebration feast. “For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.”