
Love Your Teacher

Which teacher do you (or your child) love the most? Tell us! Call us at 888-888-9976 and nominate a teacher or someone at a school who’s made an impact on their life. You could be one of four entries to win a $500-dollar gift card. Winners are announced each Friday on the morning show.

We have a couple ways you can share about your teacher who deserves a special blessing:

Join Us On-Air and Become a Beacon of Hope

Call 888-888-9976.

We invite you to call in and leave a heartfelt prayer for your school on our dedicated comment line. By voicemail, you can share your prayers, uplifting messages and blessings, which can be broadcasted on-air with your FLR family, touching the lives of listeners. Let your voice be a beacon of hope as we pray together for the safety, well-being, and success of our teachers and students.

1.   When we tell you – call 888-888-9976 and tell us about your teacher or someone at school who has made an impact:

  • Kankelfritz and Friends at 7:05AM Pacific/10:05AM EST
  • Shannyn Caldwell at 9:05AM Pacific/12:05PM EST
  • Dave Moore at 3:00PM Pacific/6:00PM EST

2.   Online: Share about a teacher or someone at school who deserves a special blessing.

Would you like to sign up for occasional ministry updates?

Be listening – we might be sharing YOUR story during Kankelfritz and Friends, Mid-Days with Shannyn Caldwell and Afternoons with Dave Moore!

View the contest rules here