Prayer and Praise Wall

Prayer Wall


Welcome to the Family Life Radio Prayer Wall! Share your prayer request below (anonymously, if you’d prefer) and pray for others at the same time. All prayer posts are moderated, so please allow 24 hours for your request to appear.

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.


I asked for prayer for my husband about 2 weeks ago already. He pulls security and is burnt out with his job. He was having a problem with a coworker but that has gotten better, thanks to all your prayers. Now there is a new issue at his job. He was assaulted a year ago and was hit in the head with a barbell from behind. This guy kept showing up for about 6 months and trying to taunt my husband. My husband did the Christian thing, talked to him and forgave him. This guy keeps showing up again on drugs and with other friends of his on drugs as well. With my husband working graveyard I am fearful for his safety. Please pray my husband is safe and can financially be able to quit his job until he finds another job close to home. I thank you in advance for all your prayers!

Received: May 30, 2020