Business Directory
Family Life Radio is supported in part by the faithful and generous gifts of many businesses. This business directory is provided as an additional way to thank our Business Partners for supporting their local Family Life Radio station. We encourage you to thank these businesses by letting them know you appreciate their support of Family Life Radio. Please refrain from using this list for any solicitation purpose. Thank You!

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Gospel Rescue Mission
Arizona Charitable Tax Credit
Benefit the entire community.
The number and the needs of the less fortunate in Southern Arizona have never been greater.
Men and women who have been able to take care of themselves and their families in the past have lost their jobs, their savings, and their homes. But…
There is something YOU can do!
You can give AND receive.
If you donate to Gospel Rescue Mission by Dec. 31, you can claim a tax credit that reduces dollar for dollar what you pay in state income tax.
Couples who file jointly can reduce their state taxes by up to $400; individuals or head of household filers can claim a tax credit of up to $200.