Business Directory
Family Life Radio is supported in part by the faithful and generous gifts of many businesses. This business directory is provided as an additional way to thank our Business Partners for supporting their local Family Life Radio station. We encourage you to thank these businesses by letting them know you appreciate their support of Family Life Radio. Please refrain from using this list for any solicitation purpose. Thank You!

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Koegel Meats, Inc
Koegel produces about thirty-five different products. They are sold almost exclusively in Michigan with a small percentage going to Toledo, Ohio. The business continues to grow as new stores and territories are added. Additionally, Koegel products have a taste and texture that usually keeps customers buying once they try the product. Our slogan…”Made Up To a Quality…Not Down to a Price” says it all. Today the products are still made using the same recipes and processes that Albert Koegel learned and developed.
Another unique aspect of Koegel Meats business is that they deliver to each individual store. Delivering to each store allows Koegel to place a shelf life on its products which is approximately half of its competitors. This helps to ensure that the end customer is eating a fresh product.
In 1972, Albert Koegel’s son built a new manufacturing plant just off Bristol Road, near Bishop Airport in Flint, Michigan. Koegel’s moved in on January 21, 1972. This location has proven to be beneficial due to its proximity to I-75 and I-69.