Set ‘God goals’ to make the most of your summer

By Dr. Randy Carlson

Summer is a strange time for most families. School’s out—and with it go your regular routines.

This freedom brings many benefits. But it also comes with a challenge: How will you make the most of the opportunities before you?

Start by setting some goals. This summer is a great time to honor Christ in each of the five essential areas of life: your faith, your health, your family, your work, and your finances.

But beware! The problem with goals is that we don’t reach 95% of them. Why? Well, despite our grand plans and big ideas, we often get stifled by self-imposed limits.

Moses’ story in the Bible shows just how that can happen. Moses had a personal encounter with God through a burning bush, where God gave Moses a goal – to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. It was the very thing he was put on the planet to do. Wow!

Yet Moses told God all the reasons why he was not the one for the job. He’d reached his personal limit.

When I was studying this Scripture, I talked with my wife, Donna. She reminded me that Moses was given a “God goal.” And God would not let Moses settle for his self-imposed limits.

Like Moses, many of us place a personal limit on what we can do, and when we reach that limit, we talk ourselves into settling for less than God intended for us.

But if you want your family and your home to flourish, you must be ready to press past your personal limits.

So here are three things to consider as you seek God’s goals for your summer:

1. Your God goal must involve your purpose.

2. Your God goal should make a difference in someone’s life.

3. Your God goal is an opportunity and not a threat.

It’s my prayer that God will help you set goals that will stretch you in the five essential areas of life so you can experience more of His intentional love this summer.


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