Trusting the Tempo
Brandon Heath on Patience, Presence and God’s Timing
It is often easy for us to be swept away by the currents of past regrets or the waves of future uncertainties. In a conversation with Family Life Radio, contemporary Christian artist, Brandon Heath’s candid insight into his journey with the virtue of patience offers a refreshing perspective.
“Patience is one of those things that I’m still learning; it’s a virtue,” Brandon shared. “And I think I’m getting to a place where it really is more about minute by minute.” It’s not just a catchy lyric from his new song, “Minute by Minute” but a roadmap to a fulfilling and spiritually attuned life. Brandon said, “God calls us to live in the present and not to worry about the future or the past.”
Referencing the lyrics of his song he shared, “I wasn’t made for the weight of the past; I’m getting crushed by the ways of the future … both of those things are really heavy.”
These honest words from Heath underline an ongoing struggle for many – being imprisoned by past mistakes and apprehensions about the future. Matthew 6:34 reminds us, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (NKJV).
The biblical affirmation to stay in the present is not an encouragement towards irresponsibility or apathy about the future. Rather, it redirects our attention from hypothetical concerns to the concrete reality of now, emphasizing that each day comes with enough to deal with. It’s about focusing on what is within our immediate control and trusting what lies beyond to the sovereign God.
Brandon continued, “Just thinking about where the world is headed or maybe about mistakes that you’ve made in your past … I’m more and more convinced that
we’re not really made to worry about those things and really to be more present where we are.
That actually has allowed me to not be stressed out about what’s down the road.”
The lyrics of “Minute by Minute” capture the heart of what Brandon is saying.
I think I’m okay with
Letting go
It’s out of my hands now
I’m not in control
Do I know a secret?
Maybe so
Would you be okay with
“I don’t know”?
I wasn’t made for the weight of the past
I’m getting crushed by the ways of the future
Nobody knows what’s not gonna last
But I can hold on just a little bit looser
Watching the moments turn into memories
No guarantee that time will be friendly
One life, don’t wanna miss it
I need You in it to help me live it
Minute by minute
I’m taking a break from
Trying to figure it out
I’m making peace with
My belief and my doubt
If anything good in me
Is gonna grow
The old way of thinkin’
Has gotta go
Our past is often a teacher, and prudent planning is part of good stewardship.
But both need to be held in balance, and not allowed to steal the joy and potential of the present moment.
Brandon said he tries “to be here and let tomorrow worry about” referring to Jesus words in Matthew 6:34. “So that’s how I’m trying to live.”
Paul said, “No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us” (Philippians 3:13-14 NLT). So, let go of the past, refuse to allow the future to dominate your thoughts and instead pursue God’s purpose.
Brandon admits he finds letting go and not worrying to be a challenge. “I don’t always do a great job of it, but that’s what I’m trying to do.” His candidness underscores that learning to live in the present is a journey, not a one-time decision. It’s a step-by-step process, learning to release our grip on control, and trusting in God’s care and timing.
Has Brandon’s story prompted you to reflect on your own life? Are you dwelling too much in the shadows of your past? Are you squinting anxiously into the haze of the future? Or are you taking each day, each minute as it comes, fully engaging with the present, knowing that in doing so we are in tune with God’s plan for our lives?
It’s not an easy transition, and it requires an intentional alignment of our thoughts to God’s Word. The reward is a life filled with greater peace, deeper faith and a heightened appreciation for the gift of the present moment.
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