
Unlocking Confidence

How Laney Rene Found an Unexpected Answer

In a world that often pushes us toward self-reliance, the idea of finding our identity and strength in something beyond ourselves can seem daunting. Yet, it’s in this space of surrender and trust where we uncover the most profound treasures. Laney Rene’s conversation with Family Life Radio invites us to explore the depths of God’s word to find our true worth and calling.

“Stepping into that role as God’s chosen treasure sounds perfectly wonderful, but sometimes can feel unattainable, don’t you think?” This question from Family Life Radio opens a dialogue many of us have with ourselves in the quiet corners of our hearts. Laney’s candid response resonates with our collective experience, acknowledging that while the concept is beautiful, the reality of embracing it fully in the “real world” comes with its own set of challenges.

Turning to Scripture

Laney shares, “I think just going to His Word has helped me over and over again.” Her strategy is more than reading the Bible but engaging with Scripture in a way that allows it to breathe life into her circumstances. She recounts, ” I love the Scripture that talks about, like not being conformed to the pattern of this world but being transformed by the renewal of your mind. And looking back. That really is what happened. I let God renew my mind, and He renewed my mind with his Word.”

“I didn’t just need to read it, but I needed to hear it out of my mouth to let that renewing, really happen.”

Laney continues, “That’s something I’ve kept doing to this day. You know, when I feel those moments of accusation – ‘You don’t deserve this, and you’re not qualified and you’re not chosen,’ I go find the verses that I know.”

Speaking God’s promises into her space served as a means of renewal, a method that allowed God to transform her perspective and reassure her heart of His presence and promises.

As Laney’s relationship with Scripture grew, so did her approach to finding confidence and identity. Initially seeking to find her own strength and worth in the verses, she gradually shifted her focus towards Jesus and His deeds. “When I was a kid, I would read my Bible and look for myself. I would look for, how am I strong? How am I confident? And as I began to just learn God’s heart more, I started to look for Jesus in the Word, and look for what he had done for me.”

Laney Rene

Laney pivoted from self-reliance to Christ-reliance. Our true value and confidence doesn’t stem from our achievements or strengths but from the incredible sacrifice and love Jesus has for us.

Power in God as Refuge

One verse, in particular, stands out in Laney’s narrative: Proverbs 14:26, which speaks of the strong confidence found in the fear of the Lord and the refuge He provides for His children. Laney reflects, “When I look at Jesus and what He’s done, there is an incredible, supernatural confidence because it’s not of myself. And specifically, I remember in those moments just reading Proverbs 14:26 and … I was like, ‘Ooh, confidence. That’s what I need;’ that’s what got my attention.”

Laney’s realization of God as a safe haven brought about a natural shift in her understanding of confidence. No longer was it about bolstering herself up with self-affirmations but about resting in the knowledge of God’s unchanging love and protection.

Embrace Scripture

In the moments we feel least qualified, least chosen, or least confident, turning to Scripture can offer us a renewed mind and a refreshed spirit.

You can experience the peace and assurance that comes from knowing your worth and identity are rooted in Christ.

The next time you find yourself wrestling with doubts or seeking affirmation, reach for your Bible. Read aloud the promises God has laid out for you. Let the truth of His word fill your room, your heart, and your life. Remember, it’s discovering what Jesus has already done for you. In Him, you will find an unshakeable confidence and an everlasting refuge.

While the journey brings many challenges, the treasure we find in God’s Word and in our identity in Christ is worth every step. Find your confidence in His eternal promises.

Laney Rene

Laney is a wife, mom, and founder of The One He Loves, a ministry which exists so every woman can be refreshed, encouraged, and reminded of Jesus’ loving-kindness toward them. Laney is known for sharing the goodness of Jesus in a way that is not just inviting but also captivating. After walking through a painful season and into a redemption story only Jesus could come up with, Laney couldn’t keep the good news to herself. Her book, Daughter: Becoming Who You Aleady Are is available now! Today, as a worship artist, author, and speaker, Laney continues to find creative ways to share the heart of Jesus with everyone she can! laneyrene.com

Find out more about Laney on Instagram @heylaneyrene. For inquiries, please email info@laneyrene.com

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