
When God Changes the Ending

Inviting God To Lead Your Mental Health Journey

Singer/songwriter Steven Stanley spent years perfecting his craft, pouring raw emotion and purpose into his music. He talked to us about his journey with mental health, and how he found faith and music goes hand in hand.

Through professional counseling, support from loved ones, and his unwavering faith, Stephen has transformed his pain into purpose, crafting music that reflects his personal struggles and offers comfort to those walking a similar path.

Growing up in Mansfield, Georgia, Stephen’s journey into music began at just nine years old. Shortly after an accident left him deaf in his left ear he picked up and learned to play his mother’s guitar where he discovered an innate talent and a deep love for melody. By 13, Stanley was not only playing piano and drums but also writing songs and leading worship at the church where his father served as a pastor.

Struggling in Silence

Before he found healing, Stephen went through a dark period where overwhelming anxiety and depression weighed heavily on every aspect of life. “I wanted every song to just be sad…no happy ending, no hope. And that was just the way I felt at the time,” Stephen confessed, recalling a time when his mental state painfully influenced his music. He was experiencing major anxiety attacks, which eventually led to depression, creating a cycle of despair he found difficult to break.

Stephen Stanley

“I was just going through it, and I didn’t know exactly what was causing it,” he shared, pointing to the confusion and frustration that often accompany mental health challenges. Despite his success as a musician, Stephen found himself battling an inner darkness that seemed to overshadow everything else.

We need the support from loved ones, especially during difficult times.

A Significant Turning Point

It wasn’t until his wife intervened that Stephen began to seek the help he needed. “My wife, who’s amazing, she said, ‘You need to see somebody,’” Stephen told us. That moment marked a turning point in his journey—a decision to confront his mental health issues head-on, rather than continuing to allow them to control his life.

His decision to seek professional help proved to be transformative. “I met with a counselor. Amazing dude. And he taught me a lot of ways to help my anxiety and depression and everything. He gave me a lot of tools,” Stephen recounted. More than just practical strategies for managing symptoms, these tools also included biblical principles that helped Stephen reconnect with his faith.

Stephen Stanley

Real Tools and How to Apply Them

Faith played a crucial role in Stephen’s journey toward healing. His counselor encouraged him to focus on “biblical principles, like think on what is true and holy, you know, things like that, and taught me how to actually apply that,” Stephen explained. And Stephen began to find a sense of peace and clarity that had previously eluded him as he worked to incorporate these into his daily life.

God can change the ending of our struggles.

As Stephen started to heal, he revisited many of the songs he had written during his darkest moments. While these songs reflected his pain, he realized they lacked the hope that he was beginning to rediscover. “There were something like 200 songs, and 99% of those songs were terrible. I revisited the ones I really loved, and I changed the endings,” Stephen shared. His newfound perspective influenced his music.

Talking about one such song, “The Edge,” Stephen said, “That song originally was just kind of dark all the way through, like, ‘Here’s what I’m going through. That’s it!” And I came back and rewrote the last chorus to have some hope.” His healing journey began to transform his art.

Stephen Stanley

Doubt Battles to Resilient Faith

“I remember I was 17… I was listening to a lot of people online, you know, people like Richard Dawkins and other people. And I was just being convinced of things,” Stephen recalled how external influences made him question his beliefs.

Stephen found himself leading worship at a camp, feeling conflicted and in need of reassurance. “I literally prayed to God. I was like, I need something. I need a sign. I need…I just need to know that you’re there,” Stephen described.

On stage, a pastor Stephen had never met before addressed the exact doubts Stephen had prayed about. “He walks on stage in the middle of a song, and asks me, ‘Hey! Is there something going on with you?’ And I think, yeah! And he asks, ‘Can I pray for you?’”

“And I’m like, ‘please.’ And he prays for me. And the whole thing was just about faith. It was everything that I was going through. I had never spoken to this man.  It was absolutely insane,” Stephen shared.

This experience was a turning point for Stephen, reaffirming his faith and showing him that personal experiences with God are vital to a strong and resilient faith. “I think you do need to have your own experience and seek that,” Stephen reflected.

It’s critical to develop a personal relationship with God rather than relying on others’ experiences.

Stephen Stanley

Connecting with Others

Stephen’s openness about his mental health struggles has resonated with many of his listeners, who have found comfort in his music and his story. “I got a long message on Instagram one day,” Stephen recalled. “This person was struggling with the same things, anxiety and depression, but they were all also struggling with faith. They were, basically an atheist at this point [when they messaged] me. And that was that’s an interesting place to be because I’ve been there…The message ended with ‘I started going back to church again,’” Stephen shared.

Sharing our struggles and finding common ground with others is vital. “I really encourage people, don’t just listen to music, go find somebody. And if you find somebody and you don’t like that person, then aren’t helping, then go find somebody else,” he advised. We all need both spiritual and professional support.

Even in our darkest moments, there is hope. By sharing his experiences and his music, Stephen offers comfort and encouragement to those facing similar battles. Remember, faith, support, and resilience can lead to healing and transformation.

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