You showed Christ’s love to those in despair
Even as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading around the country, many Family Life Radio listeners like you rallied together to help people in their local communities.
In May, for instance, your generous partnership helped make three community service events possible:
The Family Life Radio team joined up with HART Pantry in Phoenix, which serves at-risk and homeless teens, to help out with their drive-by food drive. By the day’s end, they ended up raising over $900 worth of food!
In Albuquerque, your Family Life Radio teamed up with Convoy of Hope, Harvest Church, New Mexico Prays and other sponsors to host a drive-through food distribution. Incredibly, the event served 2,853 people in 627 cars with critical supplies, including 60 gallons of hand sanitizer, 600 hygiene kits and 3,600 rolls of toilet paper.
And finally, the Albuquerque Family Life Radio community came together to provide the Navajo Nation pastors and families with enough food and toiletries to last them two and a half weeks!
With so many people around the country experiencing fear and despair, thank you for bringing hope to those who are struggling. It’s a powerful demonstration of Christ’s love to serve so sacrificially in such a difficult time.
Thank you for doing your part to make the hope of Jesus known!