“You touched my heart… I wake up joyful every day!”
When life gets really tough, it can sometimes feel like you’re sinking under waves of despair. That’s how it was for listener Bryan after he suffered two heartbreaking losses.
“I lost my son [then] I lost my wife to death, and I went nuts for a while,” Bryan shares.
Just when it seemed he might go under, it was Family Life Radio that became Bryan’s lifeline.
“Your radio station changed my life totally. You guys touched my heart [and helped me see] that He is God and He is in control,” Bryan says.
Yes, it’s thanks to friends like you that Bryan has been able to hold on to hope and cling to God’s promises, even during his season of deep grief.
“The music that you guys play has meant so much to me,” he explains. “I get so much uplifting from it.
“I even listen to [Family Life Radio] when I sleep. I always have my earphones tuned to your station even though I’m sleeping, and the Holy Spirit is working on me because I wake up joyful every day!”
Bryan has a message to share with those who make Family Life Radio’s hope-filled broadcasts possible.
“You guys keep doing what you’re doing because I know God is blessing this station!”
It’s your prayers and gifts that throw a lifeline of hope to countless listeners like Bryan through Family Life Radio each and every day. Thank you!
Also in this issue: