Your support brings hope to millions like Liam every day!
It’s amazing to think that your Family Life Radio was started by Warren Bolthouse in 1966 from a basement studio in his family home.
Today, thanks to faith-filled supporters like you, this Christ-centered radio network has expanded, stretching coast to coast and covering more than 15 million listeners with music and programs that share Jesus’ love and help listeners experience hope.
That’s what happens when God’s people get intentional about the one thing that matters: telling people about Christ and what it really means to live for Him.
Through the generosity of friends like you, Christian music, encouragement and biblical teaching is available for people on air and online 24 hours a day—and many lives are being transformed. A young man named Liam* wrote to say,
“Thank you for the music and Christian teaching. I thought after graduating from a Christian college that I had a Christian worldview. But it was only after listening to Family Life Radio for a few years that I finally started thinking Christian-ly. Thanks again!”
By listening to programs like Intentional Living with Dr. Randy Carlson and other encouraging segments, people like Liam are being inspired, equipped and affirmed in their faith so they can live an intentional life in Christ.
It’s only through your donations that Family Life Radio can continue to proclaim Christ and help more people experience hope in Him. So thank you for your continued support and prayers!
*Name changed for privacy.
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