Forgiven Indeed
“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold. My foot has held fast to his steps; I have kept his way and have not turned aside.”
─ Job 23:10-11
Job, a prosperous man in Bible times, built his life on faith in God. When the devil accused Job of only loving God because of the blessings, his faith was tested. He lost everything including his children.
Job wanted to know why this had happened to him. One of his friends, Eliphaz, insisted that Job must have a secret sin he must have committed. In today’s scripture, Job affirms his assurance in his own integrity and in God’s justice.
As a Christian, you can be assured all of your sins are forgiven because of what Christ did on the cross in your behalf. Even if you feel guilty for your past, God is bigger than your feelings. His forgiveness and cleansing power are more than enough. Trusting Him to forgive you can overrule any nagging doubts.
The Holy Spirit living in you and through you each day is your irrefutable evidence that you are forgiven. Like Job, when others accuse you or judge you, because of your relationship with Christ, you can stand up to their accusations. While it’s not always necessary to defend yourself, you can be confident God has forgiven and accepted you. You are forgiven indeed.
Today’s One Thing
Is there something you feel guilty about from your past? Take out a sheet of paper and write about what it is and how you feel. Give it to God in prayer, and then rip it into tiny shreds and throw it away, never to be remembered again.