It’s a Steal!
I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures.
— 1 Corinthians 15:3
On The Voice, a TV talent show, singing contestants vie for $100,000, a recording contract and a jump-start on fame. During the knockout round, coaches must pair two teammates to compete for the shrinking spots on their team. At the end of the round, the two anxious contestants stand before the judges and listen to a critique of their performances.
The competitors can barely breathe as they wait on their coach to choose which one will stay and which will go. Relieved winners give their rival a conciliatory hug then run from the stage and fling their arms around their coach.
Meanwhile, the loser stands in the spotlight of humiliation. Fighting to hold back tears, the loser silently prays for the ultimate save . . . a steal from one of the other coaches. For most that steal never comes. They leave the stage and disappear into obscurity. But occasionally another coach will push the steal buzzer. The crowd erupts as the saved singer falls into the arms of the person who rescued them.
Many of us feel like getting to heaven is a competition . . . one we can lose. Hoping to secure our place on God’s team, we fill our days with good works. Feeding the poor, volunteering at the church, giving generously. All good things for sure. But we still go to bed at night afraid the Judge will cast us away. The best we can hope for is a steal.
Good news. Jesus is ready to save us. This rescue is not based on our performance but on our decision to accept His grace. Jesus knew none of us could ever perform perfectly. So He came knowing He would have to gather a team from the hurting, broken and overlooked of this world. As believers stolen from darkness and given a place at His side, we’ve got a lot to sing about.
Today’s One Thing
Tune in to your favorite Christian radio station and sing along with a song of praise, for our God saves.