Mr. Owl and Mrs. Hawk
As you fix your eyes on Christ, you can avoid getting distracted by the storms of life.
When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever. – Proverbs 10:25 NIV
Mr. Owl perched on the mesquite tree, proudly staring ahead and unwavering. When Mrs. Hawk came, Mr. Owl barely acknowledged her existence. Mrs. Hawk quickly and anxiously jumped from branch to branch, flapping her wings and screeching. She obviously wanted this tree for her nest, but the owl barely moved his head to glance at her and then resumed his forward and uncaring stare.
When you focus on God’s truth, you will not be shaken.
Mr. Owl occupied the tree first and was not about to give it up. He stood firm on the branch and did not move away when Mrs. Hawk threatened, flapping closer and closer, as her screeching grew louder and louder and her hops from branch to branch quickened.
Mr. Owl remained unmoved. Finally, Mrs. Hawk flew away, defeated. Mr. Owl did not even watch her take flight. With eyes straight ahead, he stood on his branch and remained there for the afternoon without a single ruffled feather.
When you focus on God and the truth of His Word, you, like Mr. Owl, will not be shaken. You will stand firm on the branch of life and let the storms of temptation pass you by. You can allow the screeching of fear to flap away with not even a ruffled feather.
Today’s One Thing
Keep standing firm on the truth of God’s Word. Ask Him to give you the strength and discipline today to remain focused on Him and keep you from being distracted by worry and fear.