Open Your Eyes to See
“Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light.”
─Matthew 6:22 NLT
Open Your Eyes to See
Myopia or nearsightedness is the inability to see what is right in front of you. Eyes are mentioned over 500 times in the Bible. Just as our physical eyes allow us to see where we’re going, our spiritual eyes allow us to experience God’s truth and understand revelation.
Jesus said our eyes are like headlights for our body, shining light so we may see ahead. Our spiritual eyes open our hearts to Scripture, providing the “revelation-light” necessary to know and understand God’s truth.
Trials and challenges in life can blind us to the truth or distract us from the truth of God’s promises. Jesus wants you to open your eyes and see your journey by faith. There’s more than meets the eye to the test you’re going through.
The enemy of your soul wants you to look back or close your eyes in fear. Because of Christ, you don’t live in regret. You can stop wondering what would have, could have or should have been. Instead, when you do look back, do it with thankfulness for where you’ve been, and for the hope and the future God has for you now. Then look forward in hope and expectation. Your promised land is still on the horizon.
Today’s One Thing
What are some things in your past you need to let go of today? Ask God to open your eyes to see the good that has come from those things. Trust him to help you look forward to the purpose he has for you.