Panting for God’s Presence
“I thank God for the gift of desperation. I don’t know about you, but personally, I’m desperate for more of His presence, power, promise, purpose, provision and peace.” – Christine Caine
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.
Psalm 42:1 NIV
Is your love for God such that you can echo Christine Caine in her desperation for His presence, power, promise, purpose, provision and peace? How about starting with His presence? When you love someone, usually you want to be with them as much as possible. This yearning is cultivated by the time you have spent talking, listening and enjoying each other’s company.
When you are apart, you cannot wait to be together again. When you have a disagreement, there may be some discomfort, and you may feel a bit of distance for a while, but eventually, as you work through the issue, you enjoy being together again.
Your love for God brings you close as you seek Him and rely on Him.
The same is true of your relationship with God, through Christ. The closer you get, the more time you want to spend with Him. But if you feel far from God, you can begin to change that by praying and asking Him to search your heart. Ask Him, as you read His Word, to show you what is off. Spend time reading your Bible, and then be still and quiet for a bit. God is faithful to answer your prayer.
You can trust that as you seek to draw near to God, He Who loves you so much will draw near to you. Your thirst will grow, and you will be panting for more of Him.
Today’s One Thing
Spend time today drawing near to God through time spent in prayer and in His Word. Ask Him to make you thirsty for more. Watch your love for Him grow.