Walk in Liberty
So shall I keep Your law continually, Forever and ever. And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Your precepts. I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings, And will not be ashamed. And I will delight myself in Your commandments, Which I love.
─ Psalm 119:44-45 NKJV
Walk in Liberty
“It’s always something,” Jenna shared with her close friend, Marie. “Every time there’s an exchange between Michael and his ex-wife, it’s drama. He tries to keep everything strictly about co-parenting, but she asks the kids questions about our relationship, and it causes so much trouble in our home. It takes three or four days for the kids to calm back down after being with her and for our house to be peaceful again. We’ve been married three years. When will it ever end?”
Marie smiled. “Sadly, it may not end, but you and Michael are doing the right thing with the kids and each other. Let’s pray right now for God to protect and keep your home in peace. When the kids walk back in, let’s agree that their hearts and minds will be at peace.”
In our verse today, you can walk in liberty and be set free from the emotional chaos that others may impose on you. As you do your best to live according to God’s desires for your life, spelled out in His Word, He opens the door to liberty and freedom from the bondage and weight that this life brings without Christ.
Trials will still come, but they cannot hold you captive.
Today’s One Thing
Look at today’s verse again. Make it your own today by reading it again and then praying it out loud. See yourself stepping across the threshold into freedom from whatever has tried to keep you captive.