
Happy Dance with Mercy Me

God Gives Joy Amid the Struggle

When MercyMe sat down for a chat with Family Life Radio, they shared that in the twenty-seven years of making music together they have learned much and know Jesus is still the answer.

Jesus is the Answer

One of the most powerful messages they have ever received from a fan proves this to be true. It was from a lady they call “Miss Amy.” They were on tour. They went out into the crowd to pass out Compassion packets when Miss Amy approached Mike Scheuchzer and called him by name.

She shared her story of the crippling pain she was experiencing from fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, which kept her in bed for days. She reached a point where she was done. She didn’t want to do it anymore and was planning to take her own life. She got into her car and “I Can Only Imagine” was playing on the radio. She explained to Mike that it was as if God was sitting in the passenger seat next to her saying, “It’s not your life to take. It’s mine.”

Mike thanked her for sharing her story and noticed the tears in Miss Amy’s eyes. She said she still wakes up in pain most days, but she has joy in the midst of it, knowing God is by her side.

Mike shared they saw Miss Amy again a few years later at a meet and greet. She walked up with a walker this time. Things have not gotten better for her physically, but she was still beaming.

“The joy of the Lord is [her] strength” (Nehemiah 8:10 ESV).

Choose Joy

It’s these stories that help keep the Mercy Me band going, sharing the message of hope in Christ.

  • They know it’s through the struggles that you get to know God the best.
  • It is through perseverance that the Holy Spirit does the work.
  • And if they can make a three-minute song that saves someone’s life or changes someone’s life, what else are they going to do?

In the early years, their goal was to make it to the next record. They would pray to be asked to make another one. On some level, before they knew each other, they each dreamed of making music long before there was an audience for it. They truly love what they do and are thankful God put them together. And it is a bonus they genuinely get along and look for fun things to do together like riding motorcycles or attending one of the kids’ birthday parties.

One of the fun things they did coming out of the Covid pandemic and hearing of so much sorrow, was to write and record the song, “Happy Dance.” They determined that their role was to remind people that they need to smile and dance and not be so serious. They were goofing around and thinking they wanted to be a breath of fresh air so people could take a deep breath and remember what is important. Their desire was to write a song that would have people dancing in their cars at a red light. It seems they succeeded.

Happy Dance

Hey, you
In the corner shaking in those boots
You got one, one for two
You got the shaking right, but the fear won’t do
We always say that we have unspeakable joy
So let our feet do all the talking when our words fall short

We’ve got reason to get up
Reason to get down
He done traded our sin for joy
And now, that joy wants out
Happy dance

Happy dance

Hey (Yeah you)
In the back of the room with those concrete shoes
It’s okay (It’s okay) to cut loose (To cut loose)
Oh, it ain’t about how you move, but what moves you
We’re so consumed with what we think we’re supposed to be
That we stop living like we know that we’re free

We’ve got reason to get up
Reason to get down
He done traded our sin for joy
And now, that joy wants out
Happy dance

Happy dance

Let me see, those hands
If the good Lord saved ya

Get up, get down
‘Cause He done change ya (He done changed ya)
Let me see, those hands
If the good Lord saved ya
Get up, get down
‘Cause He done changed ya

We’ve got reason to get up (Reason to get up)
Reason to get down
He done traded our sin for joy
And now, that joy wants out
Happy dance

Happy dance

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