
How Parenting Changed CAIN’s Faith

Lessons on God’s Unconditional Love

What would you play for someone who has never heard your music? When we posed this question to CAIN during a conversation with us, the sibling trio—Taylor, Logan, and Madison Cain—shared more than just a song recommendation. Their response revealed a deeper understanding of how their music, faith, and experiences as parents have intertwined to shape their journeys.

As they reflected on the heart behind their music, particularly the song The Commission, the siblings also opened up about how parenthood has changed their perspective on God’s love and how that shift has influenced their songwriting. Whether you’re a longtime fan or hearing their music for the first time, this conversation shows how CAIN’s faith guides every note and lyric they create.

The Song That Defines Their Heart

Logan didn’t hesitate. “The Commission” carries special meaning for him and his siblings. Logan explained, “I’m taking the low-hanging fruit—I’m playing ‘The Commission’ because that lands. All the rest of it makes more sense after you hear that.”

“The Commission” stands out as a pivotal song in their catalog because of the message behind it. “I’ve said it our whole time, and I think I still will—’The Commission’ is the most important thing I’ve ever been a part of writing. I don’t know, it’s like the thing I’m most proud of because I don’t care if it impresses people. I guess it’s just like, ‘Hey man, here’s my heart,’ you know? That’s the kind of song it is for me.”


The depth of emotion tied to this song that comes with its raw honesty reflects CAIN’s faith and their desire to put the gospel first. As Taylor echoed, “All the fun only make sense for me whenever you hear the heart behind who we are as a band in ‘The Commission.’ If we just played it for you, it would be like, okay, I see what you know. I think the gospel is first, and then everything else comes because of that. That’s what really grounds us.”

Windows Down

While “The Commission” remains at the heart of CAIN’s identity, the siblings are equally excited about their new music. Taylor, in particular, couldn’t wait to share her enthusiasm for a new summer release, describing it as a song she feels deeply connected to: “I feel like ‘Windows Down’… If you have any appreciation for country-style songwriting, ‘Windows Down’ is a cool song. So I would be excited to play that first.”

Her excitement for the new song is tangible, especially given that she rarely revisits their own music. “I don’t listen to our music ever, but this demo, I’ve replayed—I’ve listened to it, burned it up. And to me, I’m like, ‘That’s a great song, or I think that’s a great song. It just feels right. It feels nice, and it has a message that rocks.”


The energy Taylor describes from the songwriting process is electric. Logan added that this song came together in a rare burst of inspiration: “There was just a synergy in the room, and we started playing what became this chorus, and we were all just hopping around the room.” They hope listeners will feel their sense of excitement and inspiration when they hear it.

Parenthood—Understanding God’s Love

The conversation naturally shifted from music to parenthood, a significant theme in CAIN’s life and songwriting. When we asked if becoming parents helped the siblings better understand God’s love, Taylor said, “It was heart-transforming. You know, how the moment of salvation is a chemical change? That’s what it felt like when I became a mother.”

The moment she heard her son’s voice for the first time altered her life experience. She explained, “The whole pregnancy, I’m tired or whatever. And then, you know, labor is so painful. And as soon as I hear his voice, it just goes from thinking about my pain to, ‘Is he okay?’ You just want to protect and care.”

Her instinct to protect her son mirrored the way she imagines God’s protective love over us. The realization that she would do anything for her child gave her a glimpse into how God must feel about His children—unconditionally and endlessly loving us, no matter what.

Logan shared a similar experience after the birth of his daughter. He reflected on the deep love and helplessness he felt when his daughter was struggling but unable to communicate. “To have this child that I love, and then to watch her struggle when she can’t communicate… that’s when I felt like, ‘This is how God feels about me.’ He’s not worn out by the fact that I’m in pain. He’s not irritated that I’m not happy when I should be. He’s just there.”

Many of us wrestle with feeling like we’re letting God down in our struggles.

But Logan’s experience as a father reminds him that God stays with us, even in our pain, without frustration or judgment.


Healing the Child Within

For Logan, fatherhood has also helped him heal his own insecurities. He admitted that, before becoming a parent, he was resistant to the idea that having kids would teach him about God’s love. But as time passed, he discovered something surprising. “He wasn’t teaching me about how good of a father I was. He was really healing the child in me as a parent.”

Fatherhood further deepened Logan’s relationship with God in ways he hadn’t expected. “All my insecurities about my relationship with God—He’s actually used my relationship with my daughter to heal them in me.”

Resting in God’s Love

The daily effort of balancing motherhood and music has brought Taylor closer to God. “I feel God’s presence just in the fact that I’m working towards something that has eternal value for the first time in my life. Yes, I feel overwhelmed sometimes, but for the most part, it’s just been very fulfilling to feel like I’m working towards something that really lasts.”

Finding purpose in the work we do—whether it’s parenting, creating, or serving others—helps us experience God’s love in tangible ways.

And in those moments of rest, we can fully appreciate His provision and care.

CAIN’s music is an outpouring of their life experiences, their faith, and the lessons they’ve learned—both as musicians and as parents. Their reflections invite us to pause, reflect, and rest in the knowledge that we are loved—fully and completely—by our Heavenly Father.

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