23 Things To Get Rid Of - Family Life Radio

23 Things To Get Rid Of

23 Things To Get Rid Of

Photo credit: Martin Poole / Getty

If your spring cleaning has found itself pushed into summer, we’ve stumbled upon a list of things to get rid of.  The Top 10 follows below.  For the full list, click here.

1. Old mobile phones and their chargers.

Got your old handset and about 10 unindentifiable chargers hanging around? Don’t worry, you’re not alone – but getting rid of them is an easy way to free up some space. Find out how to recycle or even sell your old phone here.

2. Outdated electronics

Think VCRs, cassette players, remote controls and leads that are no longer being used. Technology has moved on so far than few of us have the hardware for these items any more, but still we insist on clutching on to them. Be realistic with yourself and lose the items you’ll never use again.

3. Magazines.

You keep promising yourself you will read them, but if you’re honest, you never will. Take them to the local hairdressers or doctors’ surgery, or just put them in the recycling.

4. Excess pens.

For some strange reason, most households contain far more pens than they will ever need to use. Let go of any that are lidless, and streamline the remainder down to a sensible number.

5. Old laptops, computers and hard drives.

These bulky items can end up cluttering the house for years, usually because we’re not sure what to do with them. According to Good Housekeeping’s resident tech expert, Carrie-Ann Skinner, you need to remove the hard drive from laptops and computers, then take them to your local electricals recycling unit to be processed. Hard drives should be destroyed – Carrie-Ann suggests smashing them up with a hammer, which sounds enjoyable!

6. Anything you keep saying you are going to sell…

…but never have the time to list. Let’s be honest, are you really going to sit down and put it on eBay, or would it be better off just going straight to the charity shop?

7. Out-of-date paperwork.

It’s time to tackle that scary pile of papers and decide what you need to keep, what needs auctioning and what you can simply get rid of altogether.

8. Negative items.

AKA, anything that makes you feel sad, such as study notes from a course you didn’t complete or items belonging to your ex-husband or wife. It’s important to surround ourselves only with possessions that add value to our lives.

9. Old clothes, coats or shoes you never wear.

For advice on how to declutter your wardrobe, click here.

10. Unwanted gifts.

Any gift given to you that you really don’t like and have hidden at the back of a cupboard would be better off going to someone who’ll actually get enjoyment from it.