
Believe Again

When Hannah’s parents divorced, her father stepped completely out of her life and her mother went back to work to provide for herself and the three girls. She remembered the struggle her mother endured to just cover their basic needs.

My soul still remembers and sinks within me. This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope.
─ Lamentations 3:20-21 NKJV

But she also remembered that her mother always gave whatever she could to others as she felt God direct her. At first Hannah resented it, but eventually she began to see that her mother trusted God to provide all they needed because she gave out of their need. “We always had food on the table, even when there was no money to pay for it. People we didn’t know brought food to our door when we needed it.”

You can trust God for whatever you need.

In our verse today, Jeremiah saw a sliver of hope in the sorrow and sin all around him. Jeremiah’s past experiences demonstrated God’s faithfulness, love and compassion. He looked back on the past and remembered that even in the midst of great distress, he could trust God to be faithful again.

As you trust God because of His goodness at work in your life in the past, you can hope in His great promises for your future. Today, Hannah seldom lacks for anything and gives generously, cheerfully and with an open hand because she remembers the example her mother lived before her and God’s response to her family’s faith in Him.

Today’s One Thing

Look back today and remember God’s faithfulness in your life. What are you asking Him to do in your life today? Pray and let him know you believe in His faithfulness to do what He has promised today.

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