
Count Your Days from the Right Perspective

Do you count your days with worry and regret looking back, or in anxiety toward the future? Or do you count your days looking forward with hope and expectation of what God will do?

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.

─ Psalm 90:12 NLT

It’s impossible to go back and change the past and worry about what might never happen does nothing for you. Instead, it takes away precious moments that could be spent living the moment you’re in or looking forward to the good things God has promised.

Spend your days living in the now.

Psalm 90:12 encourages us to count our days from the right perspective so that we may gain wisdom. Recognizing that life is short can inspire you to use the time you have wisely, pleasing Christ. Negative thoughts of past regrets and future what-ifs do not give God any glory.

Practice turning your negative thoughts to positive ones by developing a habit of living in the moment. Give your attention to who and what is going on now. As you allow God to guide you in thinking about the future, He will teach you with His wisdom.

Today’s One Thing

Think about one thing you want to accomplish in the next year in your faith, work, relationships, finances, or health. This week take one small step toward that idea that would set you on a path toward accomplishing it.

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