
Sharpen Your Blade

Watchman Nee, a 20th century Chinese church leader and Christian teacher who worked in China, lived an indisputable vision and received a determined assignment from God for the church. He suffered greatly for his faithfulness, including rejection, criticism, hostility and condemnation. But he willingly counted the cost and accepted the price for following the Lord.

Take salvation as your helmet and God’s Word as the sword that the Spirit supplies.

─ Ephesians 6:17 GW

Nee said, “Every suggestion from the enemy must be met resolutely with the truth of the Bible. Answer doubts with the texts of faith; respond to despair with words of hope; reply to fear with words of peace. If he does not know the appropriate verse, let him pray for direction. Victory is obtained by wielding the Sword of the Spirit.”

Every suggestion from the enemy must be met resolutely with the truth of the Bible.”

To wield a sword means that you use it and handle it well. 

The verse above instructs you to take God’s Word and use it. The Bible is your weapon against the enemy. It is your Sword of the Spirit. If you handle it well, then you know it, believe it and lean into the understanding of it as the Holy Spirit gives you revelation of what it means to apply it to your life each day (John 14:26).

It’s vital to invest time in knowing God’s Word. When you are up against a wall, facing the enemy’s attacks, the Holy Spirit will bring the Scripture you’ve learned to mind so that you can say what God says about your situation and bring about His good pleasure in your situation.

Today’s One Thing

What verse comes to mind regarding the things that concern you today? If you need to sharpen your blade, then look up Scripture about what God has to say about your battle. Read it and then take it to heart. Believe God can and will complete His Word in your life today.

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