Tim Timmons - Family Life Radio

Tim Timmons

Have you ever struggled trying to figure out who you are as a person and what your identity is?

When in ministry it is easy to view your identity as how people see you and what others expect of you, but this is not how God sees you.

Tim Timmons is known as a musician but this is not how he sees himself.

He says,

“I don’t really even call myself a musician. That’s what I do but I’m a revolutionary. That’s who I am and so I think because I have a mission that’s bigger than just playing music, I don’t really care about just music. But I care about Jesus’ revolution and this movement that has already started about 2,000 years ago. I’m just trying to catch up to it and invite other people into it.”

Tim is on a mission to change hearts toward Christ and challenge the faith of believers. He wants to challenge the beliefs you turn to and ask yourself if these beliefs are based on a Biblical foundation. As he prepared to leave, his daughter said a prayer aloud for him asking Jesus to be with her dad on his trip.

He realized his daughter mimicked a prayer he had said over and over and that it planted the seed of doubt that maybe Jesus isn’t actually always with us.

“That sends a really wrong theology and understanding of Jesus. And the great invitation of Jesus is different than a lot of religious invitation. His is so beautiful. He’s like ‘you guys, I’m always at work and I’m always with you.’ I mean, what is the number one promise of God that you would think of right now? I would probably say you’ll never leave me or forsake me.”

So how do you discover your identity in Christ? Everyone is called to play different roles for the Kingdom of God and for Tim, he believes he is called to surrender all he has

“My story is my perspective through cancer and seeing Jesus in the midst of it. Fourteen years ago I was given five years to live. I wrote a blog called The Gift of Cancer…But we have an opportunity within sorrow for perspective.”

Each service for God will look differently. Some will feel as sense of urgency and others will need time to prepare. Some will receive recognition and others will not. What you must remember is that God doesn’t see you for what you have and haven’t done in His name. He sees your heart. And He is pleased.