Big Daddy Weave - Family Life Radio

Big Daddy Weave

by Anna Mae Ludlum

Go to the bookstore and look in the memoir section. Do you see a pattern? Pain, loss, heartache, confusion, and trauma line these shelves. Sometimes memoirs end on a hopeful note and sometimes the writer wonders where their suffering might lead them and if closure can be found. Though none of us know exactly when or how our story will end, you can walk the rest of your days with the powerful truth that you are forgiven and pursued by a most devoted Father.

Traveling across the country, Big Daddy Weave’s My Story Tour gives daily opportunities to take notice of the many ways God reaches into each of the lives of the five bandmates. Lead singer, Mike Weaver, is very open about how aspects of this broken world pierce into his life and affect him and how he has learned to recognize God using these trials in his own life to draw him into greater reliance with Him. As Weaver struggles to understand how he has been made in the image of Christ, God continually assures him, and Weaver holds fast to this freeing truth.

The 10 albums released by Big Daddy Weave have been described as intimate reflections of the human soul and of their personal relationship with God. This particular album, Beautiful Offerings, might play like an audio memoir in which each chapter sings a joyful declaration of God’s promise of our salvation and guaranteed ultimate hope. Beautiful Offerings is a testament of God’s never ending pursuit to connect with His sons and daughters to reassure you of His presence and your value.

The song My Story, featured on the album, was co-written by Mike Weaver with the intent that it demonstrates the renewal we experience as disciples of Christ. This standout song inserts bits of the classic hymn “Blessed Assurance” written in 1873 and is proof of the ways God can use us and His work in our lives to draw others closer to him nearly 150 years later.

Weaver states he is fully ready and willing to walk away from his highly successful music career when God directs him to do so, but until that time comes this is his ministry. He is wholly bound to God and the direction God calls him to and walks in the peace that his final moments have already been written.
As a child of God you know how your story ends. You will be standing before God blessed by His mercy and grace and you know this is true because of the continuous assurances He gives to those who accept the gift of His Son, Jesus. Our lives are chapters of our memoirs filled with incalculable moments strung together by a connecting thread, a thread being woven by God for “everything to work together for the good of those who love” Him (Romans 8:28).

If I told you my story
You would hear victory over the enemy
And if I told you my story You would hear freedom that was won for me
And if I told you my story
You would hear Life overcome the graveMy Story, Big Daddy Weave

Big Daddy Weave’s My Story Tour will end November 22 in Greenville, Tennessee.