A Life of Complete Surrender
Do you ever struggle with complete surrender to God? In our own humanity, we naturally want to do things our own way or pretend we have some sense of control. If you sometimes struggle with submitting to God’s will, think about Mary, Jesus’ mother.
Surrender to God! Resist the devil, and he will run from you.
– James 4:7 CEV
In Luke 1:38, Mary responds to the angel Gabriel’s announcement that she will give birth to Jesus by saying, “‘I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to do whatever he wants. May everything you said come true.’ And then the angel disappeared” (TLB). Mary chose to submit completely to God’s plan, even though it meant facing ridicule and shame in her community.
Choose again each new day to live completely surrendered to God.
Throughout Mary’s life, she continued to submit to God’s plan, even when it meant facing great pain and suffering. In John 19:25-27, we see Mary standing at the foot of the cross as her Son is crucified. Despite the intense pain she must have been experiencing, she remained anchored in her hope in God and submitted to His plan for her life and the life of her firstborn Son.
You bring God glory as you examine your heart and submit your lives daily to His will. Sometimes surrender goes against your own desires or plans. But you have a promise when you submit to God, you can resist the devil and he will leave.
Today’s One Thing
Begin a new habit of praying before you go out the door. Tell your Heavenly Father that you choose again today and each new day to live completely surrendered to Him.