
A Little Help from Friends

Sometimes it’s a word of encouragement when you want to give up. Maybe it’s an extra set of hands to help you get the job done, or maybe it’s a little extra food or finances in a time of need.

Help carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will obey the law of Christ.
─ Galatians 6:2 GNT

We all face times in our lives when we can’t do it on our own. God, in His infinite love, sends friends who will hold us up, lend us their strength and speak encouragement until together, we can!

Willingly give and receive help from others.

A few biblical examples of friends helping someone include:

  • A woman named Dorcas made a huge impact on her community by providing clothing and coats for the poor (Acts 9:36-42).
  • A Hebrew servant girl, taken captive, told her master Naaman about a man of God who could heal him, saving his life (2 Kings 5:1-14).
  • Friends opened up a roof of a home where Jesus was teaching and dropped a man down so that Jesus could heal him (Luke 5:17-39).

It goes both ways. You have to be willing to give help when you see a need or to receive it when God brings the answers you need through the hands of friends. People don’t know what you have need of unless you tell them. You have to be vulnerable to share your need and give them the opportunity to help.

Today’s One Thing
If you know people in your community facing a challenge in some area of their life, offer your help and friendship this week. If you need a helping hand, be willing to reach out and ask for help.

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