A Satisfying Start
Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
— Psalm 90:14
Tom and his wife just returned from their annual trip to MD Anderson Cancer Center. Fifteen years ago the doctors announced that his wife’s lymphoma was in remission. Every year since, they have traveled to MD Anderson to find out if the cancer has returned. This year, once again, they heard the wonderful words, “All clear.” Tom’s happiness cannot be denied.
Tom says his year revolves around this medical trip. His anxiety builds as the trip draws closer, but when he hears those hoped-for words, all his anxiety dissipates. None of his other problems matter anymore, or at least not very much. Of course, Tom’s other problems are still present, but the way he sees them has changed dramatically. He has a new perspective on his life, and it makes all the difference.
What happens for Tom once a year can happen for us every day. We can renew our perspective every morning with a reminder of God’s unfailing love. The reminder can be a scripture reading, a song, a prayer, a pause to count our blessings or whatever works to remind us of God’s love. And with this renewed perspective, our days can be filled with gladness.
Today’s One Thing
Identify your reminders of God’s love and include at least one as you get ready for the day each morning.