Add a Layer of Jesus on It! with David Frey
Sometimes you can live in your head, thinking thoughts that are not your own, but lies whispered by the enemy of your soul. If you’ve ever thought, I’m not good enough for God or felt like you needed to do something to deserve His love or salvation, consider the words from today’s verse.
God didn’t spare his own Son but handed him over to death for all of us.
– Romans 8:32 GW
God gave his Son for you! He handed Jesus over to death so that you could receive salvation and all the blessings that come with it. He will not hold any good thing from you (Psalm 84:11). Jesus willingly laid down His life to redeem you and restore you to the Father. He didn’t come to condemn you, but to save you.
Singer, songwriter, David Frey with Sidewalk Prophets shared with Family Life Radio a revelation he had when his son, William, was born in May of 2020. He said the nurse was an angel. She brought his newborn baby in to his wife and him and said, “I can already tell how much you love him. Isn’t it amazing that God would give us His Son as a sacrifice?”
Look at the amazing love God has for you.
David said, “I was already choking up emotionally in that moment, and then she adds a layer of Jesus on top of it. I just really think that she could tell that we would appreciate sentiment like that.”
God’s love for Jesus had to be more than any parent could love their own child, and yet – the Father loved you so much. There is no greater love! The Father looked at Jesus, like David (or any parent) looked at William and chose to give Jesus to make the ultimate exchange.
So when you begin to feel a little overwhelmed with negative thoughts, add a layer of Jesus on it. Look at the amazing love God has for you in light of the sacrifice He made to bring you into His family and call you His very own.
Today’s One Thing
Read Romans 8:31-34. Let the truth of the Father’s redeeming grace and amazing love sink into your heart and mind. Thank God for loving you more than you can ever fathom!