Aim for Restoration
Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
─ 2 Corinthians 13:11 ESV
Have you ever experienced seasons when your relationships were out of whack? Perhaps it seemed things were disorganized in your life – in your marriage, with your kids or in one of your work relationships.
We should comfort one another when we are going through difficult times. Every one of us knows people who need some additional comfort. Perhaps you’re going through your own difficult time. All of us have challenges – medical, emotional, relational, financial and even spiritual challenges.
In our verse today, Paul is saying, “Aim for restoration.” Put the pieces back together. Organizations, especially churches, fail because the people refuse to get along with each other. When we experience a breach in a relationship, Paul is telling us (and the Corinthian church) to aim for restoration and comfort one another. Agree with one another and live in peace. When you do, the God of love and peace will be with you.
Paul is encouraging you, along with this body of believers, to put the healthy pieces back together in your life. You will experience more peace if you’re willing to look at what is going on in your personal life. What needs to be restored? Identify the pieces that are out of whack.
Today’s One Thing
Take time today to come alongside others during this difficult time in our nation and to comfort one another. Sometimes that just means to be present, to experience a moment together. Take time to let others know, “I’m praying for you” or ask, “How can I help?”