Answers for Your Life
Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.
─ Psalm 86:11 ESV
God’s Word never promises to answer every human question, but it does promise to be the basis of truth for understanding all things. The Bible is the source of Truth & Wisdom for all of life. The psalmist knew the answers he needed could only be found in doing things God’s way and by applying God’s truth to his heart (Psalm 86:11).
As you study to acquire God’s knowledge and revelations for your life by reading His Word, you come to know His character and nature. The wisdom He imparts freely to you as you ask becomes your own. Through His insight and inspiration, you begin to see answers to the questions essential to living His best life for you.
The Bible says Jesus grew in wisdom as well as in stature (Luke 2:52). As He grew physically, He also grew spiritually in God’s wisdom. He came to know His Heavenly Father. So, when the devil came to tempt Him, He knew how to respond and refuse the temptation according to God’s way of living life because of His personal relationship with God and His Word.
Through time in God’s Word, as He teaches you, you too will find a deeper personal relationship with your Heavenly Father and come to know all He has to say to you.
Today’s One Thing
Take ten minutes, go to an online Bible search site (like biblegateway.com) and search on a word that pertains to something you’ve been asking God about. Then see what answers He has for you in His Word. Take time to reflect on it or search other scriptures pertaining to what God is showing you. Then journal it or write it down to look back on and be encouraged in your time of need.