Approach God with Wonder and Awe
When was the last time you accepted an invitation to rediscover the astonishment of childlike curiosity? It naturally leads you to approach God with unparalleled awe and wonder.
Pause momentarily and consider the sheer amazement that fills a child’s heart. Their eyes sparkle with wonder as they encounter the world around them. Unburdened by skepticism or disbelief, they embrace each day as a miraculous adventure full of endless possibilities.
Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
– Matthew 18:3 ESV
Jesus invites you to embrace childlike awe and wonder – a key to unlocking the depths of your relationship with God. When you approach God with childlike curiosity, the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. Normal becomes a divine invitation. Every sunrise, every gust of wind, every beat of your heart becomes a tangible reminder of the Creator’s grandeur. It is an opportunity to stand in awe of His creation and find pure joy in the simplest things.
Being in awe of God with childlike faith will refresh your perspective of His miraculous power.
So how can you nurture childlike curiosity in your relationship with God?
- Slow down and pay attention to the world surrounding you.
- Marvel at the majesty of nature, the contagious laughter of children and the warmth of human connection.
- Engage in prayer with a profound sense of awe.
- Know the King of kings inclines His ear to every word you utter.
As you cultivate childlike curiosity in your walk with God, you will discover that your faith deepens, your joy multiplies and your relationship with Him flourishes. May your journey of exploration and amazement draw you ever closer to the One who yearns to reveal Himself to you.
Today’s One Thing
Make a conscious decision to approach God with childlike curiosity. Open your heart to the wonders of His creation today.