Awake My Soul and Praise
Marcus woke earlier than usual. He went to the dining room to open the blinds just in time to see the sun break over the horizon. A beautiful prism of light filtered through the window, spreading colors onto the light tile floor.
Immediately his heart erupted with emotion. A favorite praise song came to mind, and he began to sing it quietly to the Lord.
Awake, harp and lyre; I myself will wake very early—I will waken the dawn! I will praise and give thanks to You, O Lord, among the peoples; and I will sing praises unto You among the nations.
─ Psalm 108:2-3 AMPC
Praise awakens your soul to fellowship with God and invites Him to share time with you. God inhabits the praise of His people. He wants to spend time with you just as He walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. He desires for you to share your hopes and dreams as well as your heartbreak.
PQ: Praise awakens your soul.
The Psalmist talked to himself as much as he talked to God. He told his soul to wake up and praise God in our verses today. He encouraged himself with praise to the Lord for all the marvelous things He’d done among the people of God.
Today’s One Thing
Invite God to fellowship with you by praising Him right now.
- Sing a song that gives you strength and joy.
- Play a favorite song on your favorite device.
- Tell God all about your plans for the week.
- Celebrate and thank Him for His presence in your life.