Back to School
As you embark on this new school year, isn’t it amazing to know that the Creator of the universe loves you without limits? God loves you so much that He sent Jesus and the Holy Spirit to be a constant source of love and guidance in your life.
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
– John 15:11 ESV
Your true purpose lies in glorifying God in all that you do this school year. Whether you’re solving equations, researching peer reviewed articles, writing essays or helping your children conduct science experiments, do it all with an attitude of worship and appreciation, knowing that your work can be an offering to the One who created you.
Every interaction, relationship and opportunity are a chance to show God’s love to those around you. The Lord has instructed us to intentionally treat others with love, kindness, compassion and respect. You never know how your actions can brighten someone’s day, point them to the source of joy or plant a seed that encourages them to enhance someone else’s day.
Glorifying God in everything you do is the source of your joy and purpose.
As you navigate the demands of school and social interactions, embrace the joy of trusting in Christ and accepting His guidance. Being in His presence deepens your joy and fulfillment. It’s a deep-seated satisfaction and delight that goes beyond temporary happiness and builds a solid foundation for your life.
With God on your side, you can face any challenge and find purpose and joy in all you do.
Today’s One Thing
When you’re tempted to become frustrated in this season, pause for a moment and allow the Holy Spirit room to show His love through you instead.