Better Here than Anywhere Else
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
─ Psalm 84:10 NIV
Better Here than Anywhere Else
Evelyn picked up her six month old granddaughter out of the walker and kissed each check twice before pulling her close for one last hug before leaving for the airport. She’d spent the last two weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, helping with the baby after her son had back surgery. She lived 17 hours away and knew that the baby would grow and change a lot in the months between visits. She had cherished every moment, and remained ever thankful each little second with her sweet grandchild.
It seems similar to the emotions the Psalmist expressed in our verse today. His words could be summed up with the words, “I’d rather be here with you, God, than anywhere else.” The psalmist spent time with God. He fellowshipped with Him. He made God a priority over everything else.
The more you grow in your knowledge of and love for God, the more you want to spend time with Him. He desires to walk out this life with you and for you to know Him intimately in this lifetime. He also longs to spend eternity with you.
Today’s One Thing
What does your eternal hope mean to you? Talk to God about it and then give him thanks for this powerful promise of eternal safety.