Bite-sized New Year’s Resolutions
God has given you all you need to accomplish His plans for you.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
– Philippians 4:13 ESV
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? How are things going? If you are already discouraged, take another look at your list or your goals. Ask yourself these questions:
1 Have I prayed about what I want to accomplish?
2 Do these goals align with what God wants for me?
3 Are these goals realistic or just wishes?
4 Am I willing to make the sacrifices needed in order to accomplish them?
Whatever your goals are, be sure you establish realistic, smaller goals to help you get there.
Once you access your goals, you may need to trim some back a bit to smaller goals. What steps will it take to accomplish each one? Walk it back to a few small steps and make the first one your smaller goal to accomplish possibly in a month or two.
Whether it’s a health goal, a finance goal or a spiritual goal like spending more time reading God’s Word, start with a smaller step. If you haven’t been able to carve out much time lately, maybe your goal is to take 10 minutes a day of focused reading and prayer. Maybe you can do 15 minutes, three times a week of exercise if your goal is to get started. Maybe you will choose to give up that one vice you’ve been spending five to 10 dollars on if your goal is to save some money. Whatever it is, make it small and doable until you’re ready to take the next step.
As you read God’s Word and pray about what you’d like to accomplish this year, write down the direction He is leading you in and ask for His help.
Today’s One Thing
Pray and examine your goals. List one small beginning step and find a verse in the Bible that encourages you to stay focused on achieving it.