
Call on the Name of the Lord

“And everyone who calls upon the name of the LORD will be delivered.”

─ Joel 2:32 ISV

“I just don’t get how people do life without a hope in God,” Nathan told his dad, Carl. “I know for a fact God has kept me from terrible accidents; He’s helped me escape difficult situations; and He’s given me favor with others when I really didn’t deserve it.”

“Yes,” Carl replied. “Without God, destruction is a sure thing. Everyone on this earth is promised deliverance. All they have to do is call on the name of the Lord.”

The prophetic words of the prophet Joel, found in the book of the Bible that carries his name, begin with destruction and end with a promise of restoration. He writes first with an appeal for the people to repent and closes his book with hope through forgiveness and reunion with God that repentance brings.

Joel’s words are just as relevant to us today as they were to the people in his day. Many in our nation today are asleep or dead spiritually. Joel told us to wake up (Joel 1:5); to rid ourselves of complacency, and to comprehend the perils of living our lives disconnected from God.

Today’s One Thing

Are you living your life connected to God? Is there any area in your life that you need to wake up or move from complacency to truly live your life in forward motion with God? Take time today to evaluate your life. Thank God that no matter what – you can always call on Him.

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