Fully Present in Every Moment
“When I’m at home, I try to be at home,” Mac Powell shared in a conversation with Family Life Radio.
Have you ever found yourself physically present but mentally miles away? In our modern world, distractions are everywhere, making it increasingly difficult to be fully engaged in the moments that truly matter—especially those spent with family.
“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”
– Matthew 6:21 NLT
In this verse Jesus invites us to ask ourselves: What is our treasure? If it’s our family, shouldn’t our hearts – and our full attention – be with them when we’re together?
Jesus always gave His undivided attention to the people He was with. You can show love by being fully present with your family. Your children will remember those moments you looked into their eyes and listened to their day. Your spouse will appreciate those times you set aside your phone and shared quality time together. Your friends will feel valued when you give them your full attention, not just your leftover time.
Being fully present with those who mean the most is an act of love.
Refuse to let the pressures of work or even personal hobbies rob you of the joy that comes from truly connecting with your loved ones. The other things will always be there; the opportunity to engage deeply may not.
Your work and your talents are gifts from God, but so is your family. You have the choice every day to honor both by being intentional about how you spend your time. Yes, it’s a balancing act, but it’s one that can bring a harmonious melody to your life when done right.
So go ahead, make the conscious choice to be fully present today. Your family will notice the difference, and your own heart will feel the joy that comes from truly connecting with those you love.
Today’s One Thing
Pray a prayer for being present: “Dear Lord, help me to treasure the moments you’ve given me with the people I love. Let my heart be fully engaged in the everyday moments with my family. Grant me the wisdom to balance my time in a way that honors You, my calling and my loved ones. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”