Challenge Your Assumptions
Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
─ Philippians 2:1-2 NKJV
We live in a world of assumptions. Your assumptions are what you believe.
- What do you believe about people?
- What do you believe about the world?
- What do you believe about God?
- What do you believe about money or marriage?
As we enter into relationships, our assumptions – built on a lot of different things – can create challenges. A decade ago, the majority of people in the United States believed a man’s place was in the workplace while the woman’s place was in the home. As we began to challenge that assumption as a society, that belief changed the course of society as we know it today.
There are people who live their whole lives with the assumption they will never be successful. Some assume God loves others more than He loves them. They may never say it aloud, but that assumption has been built into the life as a result of their experiences. Similar to your computer with programs running in the background, those operating systems of our assumptions drive much of how we relate.
It’s good for us to challenge our assumptions in all areas of our lives. At work, are we on the same page when working collaboratively with others on projects? What about with our spouses? Are we on the same page when it comes to doing life together? What about the expectations our children have of us and us of them?
Today’s One Thing
Choose a relationship you’d like to work on this week and write out your expectations. Then sit down and talk about them with that person.