Comprehending God’s Love
God’s love for you is immeasurable, and there’s no limit to how far He’ll go to demonstrate how much you matter. Yes, you!
But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
– Romans 5:8 ESV
When thinking about God’s love, it can be easy to reduce it to a feeling or an emotion, but the truth is that His love goes much deeper than a feeling. God’s love is a commitment, a promise to never leave or forsake you, and a guarantee of His constant presence in your life. While He is the Creator of all things, He is loyal to you. And, He has shown this to you by giving His Son for relationship with you.
No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, God’s love never changes. He loves you as much today as He did yesterday, and He will continue to do so tomorrow and the next day. His love is not based on your performance or achievements but on His character. God is love, and His love for you expresses who He is and what He has provided for you.
God’s love for you is so deep that He sent His only Son to remedy the separation so you can be close to Him.
Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection was the ultimate demonstration of God’s love for you. Jesus became the remedy for you. And because of this love, you can have peace, hope and joy in your life, no matter what the world throws your way or the obstacles you must hurdle. He loves you deeply.
Embrace the depth of God’s love, and never forget that your heavenly Father loves you beyond comprehension. When you do, you’ll find the strength and courage to face any challenge because God is always with you, loving you and holding you close.
Today’s One Thing
You are significant, and God wants you to know it. Accept the love He has to offer you and demonstrate His work in your life by sharing your story with someone today.