Count on God
And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
─ 1 Samuel 30:6
We all have those things that make us smile on the inside, even when circumstances aren’t the best: a good hair day, wearing our favorite comfy clothes, a favorite meal or spending time with special friends that we can usually count on for strength.
How much more joy can we experience when we encourage ourselves in the Lord. In 1 Samuel 30:6, we find David greatly troubled. His mighty army, who he counted as close friends and family, were talking of stoning him because of the situation they were in. Their wives and children had been taken by the enemy.
No doubt David wanted some comfort, but he couldn’t count on those around him for that. They were angry – some angry enough to kill him. They are described as “bitter in their souls.” So, David looked to the Lord for comfort, for encouragement, and he found it. Not only did the Lord respond with strength, He gave David direction so that he and his army recovered all that was taken from them.
We all have difficult days – perhaps not as difficult as the one David was having – but God cares about our challenges. We can look to God for strength, just as David did.
Today’s One Thing
Look to God today for the strength you need. Read Psalm 46 today and then say it aloud as a prayer.