Discover the Uniqueness of Quiet
Have you ever gotten into your car by yourself and quickly noticed the quiet? It’s likely you immediately turned on the radio or started your playlist. Still, you realized that didn’t fill the void? Why? In the depths of your soul you feel the need for something more, something beyond the clamor of the world. It is a longing to hear God’s still voice, find solace in His presence and discover the power within the quiet.
Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
– Psalm 46:10 ESV
The Psalmist penned this gentle call to embrace the power of quiet, to intentionally create space in your life to listen to God’s voice. It is an invitation to stop the struggle and find rest in His presence.
Quiet can be hard to come by today. But you can hear God’s whisper guiding you in moments of silence and solitude. He wants you to:
- Take a step back from the noise and busyness.
- Intentionally carve out time for stillness.
- Instead of turning on the radio, think about God.
Your quiet time could also include time with God in the early morning or during a peaceful walk. Whatever it may be, find that sacred space where you can connect with God.
In the moment’s hush, He will reveal His plans and purposes for your life.
As you embrace the power of quiet, you will find that God’s still voice speaks with clarity and wisdom. In the moment’s hush, He will reveal His plans and purposes for your life. He will remind you of His unchanging love and faithfulness. And He will empower you to face the challenges ahead.
As you silence the noise around you, you open yourself up to a deeper connection with the Creator of the universe. Time with Him will fill the void your soul desires. He made you desire Him.
Today’s One Thing
Set aside a specific time each day to be still before God. Create a quiet sanctuary in your heart where you can hear His voice.