
Do Your Words Stink?

May the words from my mouth and the thoughts from my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my defender.

─ Psalm 19:14 GW

Once your words come out of your mouth, they can never be put back. Awkward or untimely words hang in the air. Angry words usually do damage, piercing the hearts of those they are hurled toward as well as the speaker. Loving words, even those hard to hear, when spoken in love soothe the soul. Encouraging words bring hope and inspiration.

David’s words in Psalm 19:14 seem like a simple prayer. He asked God to change everything that came out of his mouth, as well as the thoughts in his heart.

He wanted his words and thoughts to please the Lord like a sweet fragrance pleases the nose. He realized the things he spent time thinking about eventually became conversations in his heart that overflowed from his mouth (Luke 6:45).

What about you? Do you need to change the way you think and speak for every word that crosses your lips or meditation in your heart to be pleasing to the Lord?

Today’s One Thing

Make a commitment today to sincerely consider your thoughts before thinking them and your words before speaking. Ask God to guide you in what you say and how you think today, so that your words are pleasing to Him and a sweet reflection of Him to others.

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