Emptied Out to be Filled Again
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
— Psalm 16:11
Were you encouraged to finish your plate during dinner while you were growing up? There are many cultural differences regarding finishing the food on your plate. Business travelers to China are encouraged to leave some food on their plate to express to their host that they are finished and content. It is considered polite. If you eat everything on your plate, it can be offensive. It suggests you are still hungry and your host did not provide enough food, so your host will likely refill it.
Relationships require giving to others, and sometimes we can give so much that we feel empty and drained. We share our thoughts and our energy, our time and our resources with others. We’ve been called to care for the poor and love others. But sometimes our spiritual plate is empty, and the proverbial well is dry, and we have nothing left to give.
So where do we go to be refilled? When we present ourselves to God in a state of emptiness, He is quick to fill us up—not with food, but with spiritual nourishment. When we share what God has given us until we are empty, He is faithful to refill our plates again and again.
Today’s One Thing
If your plate is full, share your blessing with someone in your life. If your plate is empty, spend some time with God in worship, praise and prayer to get refilled.