Ever So Thankful
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
─ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT
Jenny laughed out loud while scrolling memes on her phone. “Hey! Listen to this …” she called out to her husband, Zander. “If 2020 was a movie trailer …” she began.
Zander turned and faced her. The look on his face was serious. “You know,” he said, “We are really blessed. We don’t have anything to complain about in 2020. Even though I haven’t had a job in two years, we have not missed a meal. It’s been hard, but we have everything we need. God has provided for us. We’ve been so blessed in all this chaos.”
“Yes, you’re right,” Jenny agreed. “I am ever so thankful for His goodness.”
Paul, the author of Thessalonians, lived through all kinds of persecution. He knew the challenges of living in a fallen world, being misunderstood and misrepresented. And yet, in our verse today he challenges us with three commands that grate against our natural inclinations.
- Be joyful.
- Pray continually.
- Give thanks.
When you do God’s will and keep Him as the constant focus of your life, you will find it easier to remain joyful and thankful. And the desire to pray continually can become as natural for you as breathing.
Today’s One Thing
Each day this week choose one thing to think about that brings you joy and give God thanks for that as you spend time with Him in prayer.