Exhilarating Hope
We live in a world today that wrestles with what it means to experience hope. Those of us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are encouraged to place our hope in Him. But, even as Christians, we can struggle when circumstances in our lives prove challenging.
You must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if you are asked about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.
─ 1 Peter 3:15 NLT
We must apply faith and believe God for His timing for things to turn around. It’s in the face of those challenging times we can feel desperate and become discouraged. Those dark moments can keep us from experiencing the hope we have in Christ.
You can give people the exhilarating opportunity to experience hope, freedom, peace and purpose in Christ like they’ve never had before.
There is a great divide between accomplishment and mediocrity in life—a line for every individual—that represents a point where a decision has to be made and action must be taken.
Share your hope in Christ with others today.
Our verse today encourages us to share our hope in Christ with others, as we grow in Christ. Sharing your own experiences in how God has given you hope in the midst of difficulty—or even the story of how He brought you out of a difficult place or time, offers hope and courage to others as they face those difficult times in their own lives.
The Bible says, “Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise” (Hebrews 10:23 NLT).
Today’s One Thing
Think of ways to encourage others with words of love and acts of kindness. Ask the Lord to help you and see how many opportunities He gives you to act today.