Forgiveness Equals Freedom
Do you cringe when you think of forgiving someone who has deeply hurt you? You may feel like they don’t deserve it. What if forgiveness is for you and not for them?
Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
– Colossians 3:13 NIV
Forgiveness doesn’t validate the wrong, but it releases you from being captive to bitterness. Forgiveness is your “get out of jail” card, like in the game of Monopoly.
Forgiveness frees you from being a prisoner of bitterness and pain. It does not validate what a person did to you. It is not saying it was okay. It’s being willing to let go of something knowing you are capable of hurting another as well.
Forgiveness frees you from the prison of resentment.
Forgiveness does not always mean your relationship will be mended. It does not always involve reconciliation. If someone is asking you to forgive them, ask God to help you do so. Then, it may involve a conversation allowing you to let them know you have done so.
There may be reconciliation. Often though, forgiveness is between you and God and would only put the other person on the defense to tell them you forgive them, especially if they don’t think they’ve done anything wrong.
In light of God’s mercy, each of us are called to extend forgiveness to others, reflecting His love and grace received.
Today’s One Thing
Pray a prayer like this one:
“Father, help me to forgive this hurt. I know You can help me because you have forgiven me of so much. Help me to see this person as You see them with faults and failures, yet with Your love.”