Gentle Words Grow a Beautiful Garden
The planting season is almost here. Imagine walking through a lush, vibrant garden, where every word you speak blooms into life around you. In this garden, your words can nurture and grow the beauty around you or wither it away. Just as a gentle rain can refresh and rejuvenate your plants and trees, so a soft word can revive a weary heart.
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
– Proverbs 15:1 ESV
When you speak with kindness, you’re not just passing information; you’re touching someone’s life. Your voice can be soft and soothing, calming a friend’s, constituent’s or family member’s soul. You’re planting seeds of grace whenever you respond gently to anger or misunderstanding.
Sometimes, this is easier said than done. You’re human, and there are days when your own heart feels heavy, and your spirit is restless. In those moments, it might seem easier to respond with harshness or impatience. But remember that with each word you speak, you have a choice. You can choose to echo the noise of the world and bring a piercing blow, or you can choose to be wise and respond with a voice of love and understanding.
Choose gentle words and bring life to your vibrant garden of relationships.
When you respond with gentleness, you are cultivating a heart of peace and patience. Over time, your words are the seeds growing in the garden mentioned earlier, which needs attention but is filled with grace and beauty.
Your gentle words testify to the work God is doing in your life. Your words are a living example of His love and patience, and they are a reflection of His grace.
Today’s One Thing
After praying and asking God for His guidance for wise and gentle responses, affirm to yourself, “I choose to speak words that bring life, words that show Christ’s love and gentleness. My words are seeds of kindness, and I will see them bloom in the lives of those around me.”